I believe that there’s magic in misery. That there is victory
in discomfort. I want so bad to love myself a little better. I want to wake up
tomorrow and actually believe in better. I want to believe that people want to
do good. That they love the people around them. That they are innately sound in
their intentions. I want to feel like the majority of mankind does their best
not to hurt the people around them. I want to believe that the people I don’t know
and will probably never meet will spend the rest of their lives surrounded by
crazy amounts of love. That they won’t feel depression or hurt and that they
never feel alone. I want people to be hopeful and truly believe that
circumstances can and will always improve. Not just for the world but also for
I think Self-reflection is a learned trait. Something that
not everyone takes time to do. Reflection and an increase in consciousness give
us an opportunity to forgive and accept the circumstances around us. Reflecting
on how you take control and change and improve in your life are actions that
result in giving yourself power. Power over all the things in life that don’t
go your way and the people that aren’t kind to you.
I encourage you to give yourself more credit. It’s hard to
live in 2016. It’s hard to love yourself. It’s hard to turn the corner or
change the channel without internalizing the comparisons the world forces you
to pay attention to. We’ve turned society into a grading scale and every day
you walk out of the door someone is going to grade you. The challenge is choosing
whether or not to accept that grade and validate that judgement.
So I say Love yourself. Love everything about you that they
say is wrong. Love the abnormalities. All the things that aren’t desirable.
Love them until the popularity contest shifts. This world is revolving around
popularity. Popularity which roots from confidence. Confidence which roots from
relevance, and relevance which is simply a result from obnoxious media momentum.
We make up what is acceptable and worthy of love. We determine social
supremacy. So the power is within us. We can choose to change what is popular
simply by starting to love the things and people that society doesn’t celebrate.
So be different. Be weird. Be too big, too small, black, white, poor, crazy. Be whatever
you want. Just don’t be sad and don’t
try to fit in.