Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Best thing

It's my first night in the house by myself. The first time sleeping alone in a long time. I've never been that girl that needed to be held to feel ok. I've never really felt the plague of loneliness. I've never needed someone to make me complete. 

But this is different. This is not loneliness. This is actually power and vigor. Happiness and fear all at the same time. I'm connected to you in a way that I can't really put into words. Your being alone makes everything ok. The thought of you makes me feel endless. Like I'm enough and full. You make me feel like my goals aren't big enough. Like the vision of my life falls short of what is actually going to happen. You make me feel powerful and limitless. Like the rest of my life is somehow greater than what I expected it to be. 

I don't know that I deserve you and I know I can't predict the future but what I do know, is that now that I've had you, life without you, seems nearly impossible. You are the very best thing and I love you.

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